Maritime Traffic Forecast 2040                                                               BMVI - Zur Startseite

 Sept 2021


MWP GmbH has been commissioned once again by the German Federal Ministry of Transport to conduct the Maritime Traffic Forecast 2040. This study focuses on analyzing and forecasting the port handling and hinterland traffic of major German seaports as well as some particularly relevant foreign seaports for Germany.


This involves breaking down the traffic flows of hinterland traffic in Germany into approximately 1,500 regional traffic cells, each analyzed for the transportation modes of road, rail, and inland waterway.

Title: "Traffic Forecast 2040 — Part 2: Economic and Traffic Development Forecast 2040"

The Maritime Traffic Forecast is a subproject of the "Economic and Traffic Development Forecast 2040," which is developed by MWP in collaboration with project partners.



The MWP team has successfully completed numerous national and international projects in recent years.

The following project examples show the wide range of MWP GmbH







MWP GmbH has been commissioned once again by the German Federal Ministry of Transport to conduct the Maritime Traffic Forecast 2040.  


This study focuses on analyzing and forecasting the port handling and hinterland traffic of major German seaports as well as some particularly relevant foreign seaports for Germany. This involves breaking down the traffic flows of hinterlandtraffic in Germany into approximately 1,500 regional traffic cells, each analyzed for the transportation modes of road, rail, and inland waterway.

Title: "Traffic Forecast 2040 — Part 2: Economic and Traffic Development Forecast 2040"


The Maritime Traffic Forecast is a subproject of the "Economic and Traffic Development Forecast 2040,"which is developed by MWP in collaboration with project partners.

Ausland 18p 1








Project Description: silk road 1

Analysis of existing routes and current activities of the new Silk Road.

Analysis of trade relations between the Asian countries and Central Europe and forecasts for the development up to 2030. Determination of the transport potential of the rail, road and sea transport modes currently and until 2030.

The focus was on the development of combined transport and the construction of a container terminal in Kazakhstan near the border with China.

Analysis and forecasts of trade relations and cargo flows with all modes of transport, Data Collection, Modelling and forecast. Analysis of cross border handling processes including identification of operational and administrative obstacles.






OBOR and CPEC China Pakistan Economic Corridor Study

China – Pakistan – Saudi Arabia


Project Description: OBOR 1

 The China Pakistan Economic Corridor is considered as aharbinger of good fortune for the region. It promises to boost Pakistan’s economy and provide employment and business opportunities.

The CPEC is of huge significance, it runs through one of the most important and vital geostrategic locations in South Asia. Gwadar port is one of China,s string of pearls planned by China in Central, South and South East Asia to expand its political and economic influence and get these regions in its grip.

OBOR2 Despite Chinese economic slowdown in 2014 and 2015, Beijing was likely to press ahead with CPEC to create new markets for Chinese companies and act as an econom- ic stimulus domestically. Pakistan on its part, was navigating a severe energy crisis which became a central political issue, and new power generation projects tied to CPEC provide a viable near-term option to resolve this. CPEC in 2015 became a cor- nerstone for Pakistan’s plans to resolve electricity shortages, providing technology and funding for new generation units based on coal, hydro, and renewables.

The client required a detailed supply chain study as well as an overview of alternative routest hat may compete with the CPEC. Special focus was on port infra- and supra- structure and future port performance as critical parts of the logistics chains.






 The significant of the German seaports for the german foreign trade


IHK Nord

Project Description:

  • Analysis of the German seaborne foreign trade in 2010 and 2030
  • Determining shares of German seaports on the seaward German foreign trade
  • Shares of the provinces and districts on the German seaborne trade
 IHK Bild





                Port & Hinterland Analysis for the Federal Transport Masterplan 2030      

Rezerenzen Trade and Logistics.jpg

Project Description: 

On behalf of the German Ministry of Transport MWP elaborated the im- and export cargo-flows of most European ports including hinterland distribution for all modes of transport! 

Based on our comprehensive logistics and macroeconomic data, we performed for all ports from Russia around the European coastline until Slovenia a long term cargo forecast until 2030. We have been able to break down the forecast details in up to 88 different groups of commodities in trade and loading categories like container, RoRo, Dry Bulk, Liquid Bulk, Conventional General Cargo.

One of the key implications during the process of forecasting was the fact, that the economic development in Europe is extreme volatile since years. One of our key findings is, that under these conditions, there are many threats, but also opportunities for ports.

 Seeverkehrsprognose Häfen





Arabian Gulf ports benchmarking

Arabian Gulf

Project Description:Arabian gulf

The client required a detailed benchmarking study of the service & handling fees charged by the governments of Arabian Gulf countries including Iran in lieu of services provided for oil & gas tankers. The study includes chargeable ports fees in those respective countries while identifying the relevant government body who shall receive the subject payments. The above are to be compared to selected crude, CPP and LNG ports relevant fees. As far as available, the detailed study and any provided figures are accompanied by supporting official documents. The study covers all chargeable fees as well as total costs.

The approach included following scope:

  1. Scan of all Crude, CPP and LNG ports
  2. Extract of a list of all relevant ports, including background data of ports
  3. Analysis of all For all chargeable fees
  4. The total costs have been presented in $/bbl and in $/metric ton
A sensitivity analysis has been undertaken in order to evaluate ramifications




Masterplan and Port development plan 2030

Lübeck Port Authority

Project Description: Ostsee

Lübeck has for decades been Germany´s largest seaport at the Baltic Sea coast. The Ports of Lübeck including the container traffic between Hamburg and Lübeck and so the so called “Feeder-Landbridge” form a backbone of the Baltic container traffic. With this position Lübeck is one of the most important RoRo and container feeder ports in Baltic Sea area. Core tasks of MWP for the update of the port´s masterplan where the coordination of the project and analysis of import and export of all Commodities, RoRo, container, bulk, etc. for the ports of Lübeck including a detailed throughput forecasts for the years 2020, 2025 and 2030 for all commodities, shipping types, modes of hinterland logistics like rail and road, etc.

Furthermore MWP elaborated a competition analysis for Lübeck in relation to all relevant ports in the Baltic Sea.






Sadara Supply Chain Study

Saudi Arabia + GCC & Middle East Countries





Project Description:

Saudi Aramco, one of the leading energy suppliers to the world, and The Dow Chemical Company, a leading science and technology company of the world, have formed a joint venture, Sadara Chemical Company (Sadara), which will construct, own and operate a world- scale integrated chemicals complex in Jubail in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
MWP and IHS jointly developed the logistics concept for cargo distribution in whole Middle East. Alternative routes for road, rail, waterborne and intermodal transportation have been identified and calculated. Favorite routes incl. CFS´s have been calculated in detail. Port facil- ities in North Africa and Middle East have been evaluated






Development of European Container flows

Project Description:conta 1

MWP performed an analysis of European import and export flows of container in the main European container ports including a detailed throughput forecast for the years up to 2030. Worldwide trade flows were analyzed and integrated / adjusted in the forecast 2030 in order to come to realistic figures as base for revenue predictions.
Furthermore MWP elaborated analysis about hinterland container transports of 2015 and created a forecast for all ports for the year 2030.





Narrow Gauge Railway Market Analysis

Project Description:rail transnet

MWP performed a global market analysis for narrow gauge diesel locomotives. For this the worldwide market for narrow gauge locomotives has been screened, and potential market niches have been identified. Based on this industry specific findings, MWP conducted a forecast for the market and identified relevant volumes. To secure the findings and to support the customer in understanding the market structure, MWP organized study tours to places of interest. The high quality of the results leads the customer to a contract addendum, and in phase two of the project MWP conducted a market analysis of narrow gauge coach wagons. All findings together have been included in a final report and constitute one project.